Friday, August 08, 2008

Love Poems edited by C.N. Edwards

An excellent collection with lots of old favorites and plenty of new names and voices, this is an all-occasion volume. Shakespeare, Marvell, Emerson, Rilke, and Poe are well-represented.

Included are marvelous illustrations. Lots of Pre-Raphaelites, some modern (the "The Kiss" by Klimt on the cover is a good example).

Some of my favorites are the real short ones. For example, this one by Ranier Marie Rilke, “Time and Again”:

“Time and again, however well we know the landscape of love,
and the little church-yard with lamenting names,
and the frightfully silent ravine wherein all the others end:
time and again we go out two together,
under the old trees, lie down again and again
between the flowers, face to face with the sky.” (148)

Buy a copy and dazzle your lover. 5 stars

--Chiron, 8/8/08

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